material and Iron and Steel

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material and Iron and Steel

What is material, materials and their properties

   A material is a substance used for a specific purpose. In other words, every substance that meets the needs of people by going through certain pre-processes is called material. Materials are processed to create materials, and materials are processed to create goods. Steel used in female construction, copper used as conductor, aluminum used in aircraft industry, asbestos used in thermal insulation, cement used in construction etc. Substances are materials used for a purpose.
  - Metals
  - Ceramics
  - Polymers
  - Composites
   Steel is an iron carbon alloy with less than 1.8% carbon in its composition. The carbon ratio in alloy steels can be up to 2.1%.
STEEL PRODUCTION; The raw iron obtained from the blast furnace contains 2-4.5 % carbon and a significant amount of foreign materials such as phosphorus and sulfur. This iron is called pig iron. These substances have a brittle effect and especially reduce the resistance against impacts. That is, it creates a fragile structure. If a large piece of raw iron falls from a human hand and hits a hard surface, it can easily split in two.
   Because normal unalloyed and low-alloyed steels are not resistant to corrosive effects, stainless steels are generally required for such applications. In addition to their excellent corrosion resistance, stainless steels have properties such as the availability of types with different mechanical properties, their ability to be used at low and high temperatures, ease of shaping, and aesthetic appearance. The consumption of stainless steel, which is becoming more and more widespread, is considered an indicator of the welfare level in waste societies.
  It is known that the Chinese produced cast iron 3000 years ago as a result of raising the carbon content while smelting the iron ore. The product with the highest tonnage of the foundry industry is cast iron. The fact that cast iron is a good material and its production cost is low expands its usage area. Cast irons have a wide range of strength, hardness, machinability, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and other properties. Raw iron from the blast furnace is weak and brittle. It is not suitable for use in machine manufacturing and construction works. In general, after the raw iron is taken from the blast furnace, it is poured into large crucibles and then sent to the Kupal furnaces to obtain cast irons to be used in casting works. While in the past, cast iron materials were not preferred when quality was sought, today it provides a more economical solution than forged and welded parts in many areas. Considering the strength of the parts, the most suitable shape is obtained by casting.
COPPER; Its atomic number is 29. Density is 8.95, it melts to 1084 degrees, is found free or combined in nature, conducts heat and electricity well, is easily beaten and is processed, and is used in various works since ancient times.
COMPOSITE; The material obtained by physically combining 2 or more different materials, which are not suitable for the desired purpose on their own, in a macro structure, in certain conditions and proportions, in three ways to provide the desired properties, is called composite. It is possible to select and distinguish the building components when their internal structures are observed with the naked eye. Classical alloys, in which there are more than one phase in their structure, are heterogeneous materials in micro scale, although they are homogeneous in macro scale.
THERMAL PROCESSES; It is a specific heating and cooling process applied in solid state to change various properties of metal alloys.
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